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  • Writer's pictureMissy Youngs

Missy's Potato and Beef Hash

Updated: Jan 1, 2022

Potato and Beef Hash is so hearty and filling. It is full of potatoes, onions and of course your leftover beef short ribs. This recipe is very adaptable. You can add in whatever your heart feels like adding!

I use whatever potatoes I have on hand for my potato and beef hash recipe I happened to have ordered some baby bakers from Sam's Club so I used them but I have also used Russet potatoes or Red potatoes for this recipe. That's the beauty of the recipe. Use what you have at home!

Use how much of each item you have available. For example, I used all my leftover short ribs. I would never go purchase more just to make this dish. If you have 5 large potatoes, then use 5 but if you only have 4 then use 4 potatoes. Let's get started on our potato and beef hash!

Start by cutting your potatoes in even sized pieces. Also chop the onion in even sized pieces. This way can be assured that you have an even cook on all the ingredients.

I leave the skin on the potatoes. It makes for an easy recipe. But if you don't like the skin on the potato, take it off! Once you have the potatoes and onions chopped, put the potatoes in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 5 minutes. This gives the potatoes a head start and you don't have to cook them so long on the stove top. While the potatoes are in the microwave you can cut your beef up.

Next turn your pan up to medium. Add the butter to melt in the pan. Once the butter has melted add the onions. Cook for about 4-5 minutes until they are soft.

The time has come to add the potatoes that you cooked in the microwave. Add them to the pan that the onions have been cooking in. Keep the heat at medium and cook until the potatoes are soft and ready to eat. I often use a knife to test for doneness. Just stick it into the potato and if it is soft then they are ready to go. Season with pepper. You can add salt but in this case I don't since the short ribs had plenty of salt on them during their original cooking.

Once you are confident that the potatoes are finished cooking you can add in your cut up beef. I cut mine in pretty big pieces but you do you and cut it in the size your family prefers.

Once the beef is added your potato and beef hash should look like the picture below.

I am not a big eater of leftovers. But if I am going to eat leftovers it would be my potato and beef hash. I am sharing the recipe below but remember to add your own additions.


Leftover Beef Short Ribs

Potatoes that you have in your pantry

Black Pepper

1 stick of butter

1 medium onion


  1. Cut the potatoes into small pieces. You don't want them to big or they take to long to cook in the pan.

  2. Chop the onion into small pieces.

  3. Microwave the potatoes for 5 minutes.

  4. Melt the butter in a good size pan on the stove top over medium temperature.

  5. Add the onions to the pan and cook until soft. About 4-5 minutes.

  6. Add the potatoes that have been cooking in the microwave to the pan with the onions.

  7. Season with pepper.

  8. Cook until the potatoes are soft in the middle. This is usually at least 8 minutes if not longer. Make sure to use a spatula or spoon to move the potatoes around as they are cooking.

  9. Add in the leftover short ribs.

  10. Cook for 2-3 more minutes until the beef is heated through.


Missy's notes:

Additional add ins: green peppers, mushrooms

Size matters: make sure to cut the potatoes in small pieces. About a ½ inch in size. Too big and it takes too long for them to cook on the stove top.

** if you used rice flour or corn starch for the original Beef Short Ribs recipe then this is a gluten free recipe.

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